Mayors Christmas - Concert Watergate Theatre Kilkenny
Mayors Christmas Concert with The Graiguenamanagh brass band, Castlecomer Male Voice Choir, In Caelo Chamber Choir & ArÃs Choir...
Medieval Mile Museum Kilkenny Dublin Ukulele Collective
Great atmosphere tonight at Dublin Ukulele Collective & High Hopes Choir Dublin And Waterford. IN the Medieval Mile Museum Kilkenny at...
Steve & Joe Wall - St. Patricks Gate Waterford
Between The Bars Waterford Labyrinth Management & Events "Last night's Between The Bars was hands down the most beautiful thing we've...
Yulefest Kilkenny 2017
Our new outdoor stage first outing at Yulefest Kilkenny 2017. Seo Linn, Italian Flag Wavers and more at this years Yulefest Kilkenny...