Kilkenny Animated
Kilkenny Animated event earlier this Week Launch at Macdonagh Junction Drawing History with Peter Diamond, Cartoon Saloon’s Tomm Moore &...
Steve & Joe Wall - St. Patricks Gate Waterford
Between The Bars Waterford Labyrinth Management & Events "Last night's Between The Bars was hands down the most beautiful thing we've...
Kilkenny Musical Society - Langtons Ballroom 2017
"Lets go to the movies"with the Kilkenny Musical Society and St.Patricks Brass band in Langtons Ballroom. Show casing hits from James...
Stockton's Wing at Ballykeeffe Amphitheatre
We supplied stage lighting and sound at the sold out concert by Stockton's Wing at BallyKeefe Amphitheatre. Suppling the ConTour Array PA...