Stockton's Wing at Ballykeeffe AmphitheatreStockton's Wing at Ballykeeffe AmphiThe Mangled BadgerStockton's Wing at Ballykeeffe AmphiSound checkSound checkSound Check We supplied stage lighting and sound at the sold out concert by Stockton's Wing at BallyKeefe Amphitheatre. Suppling the ConTour Array PA System and Soundcraft Console. #SocktonsWing #SoundengineerKilkenny #BallykeefeAmphitheatre #SoundandLightingServices #AudioVisualservices #PASystem
Stockton's Wing at Ballykeeffe AmphiThe Mangled BadgerStockton's Wing at Ballykeeffe AmphiSound checkSound checkSound Check We supplied stage lighting and sound at the sold out concert by Stockton's Wing at BallyKeefe Amphitheatre. Suppling the ConTour Array PA System and Soundcraft Console. #SocktonsWing #SoundengineerKilkenny #BallykeefeAmphitheatre #SoundandLightingServices #AudioVisualservices #PASystem